understanding your fertility, page 9 of 14
The Cycle Without Pregnancy

The Egg Ripening Phase
If, however, no intercourse took place in the egg-ripening phase, when the fertile “motorway” mucus was being secreted from the cervix, then the egg cannot be fertilised. It dies quickly and the cycle will end differently!

Ovulation and Womb Preparation
The empty egg follicle will convert to a corpus luteum and produce the hormone progesterone which will thicken the womb lining for about 10 - 16 days.
The cervix will pinch shut again and the mesh mucus plug will be re-installed in the cervical canal.
Progesterone will also stop any more eggs being released in that cycle.

Leading to Menstruation
At the end of this 10 - 16 day phase after ovulation, because no conception occurred, the progesterone fades away.
The thickened womb lining is not needed because pregnancy did not occur and it is discharged amid blood loss over the next 4 - 6 days, constituting the next menstruation.
So the period marks the end of this cycle - and becomes Day 1 of the new cycle! And the whole process starts again...
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